Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eiffle Tower Pt. 2

After some begging and puppy pouting, my aunt and I went into town to see the Eiffle tower at 8 so I could take pictures in the daylight, and also see the flashing tower at 10 (sun sets around 9-9:30). The Eiffle tower looks the same as always, but it is still aweing. I am glad we made an effort to train it from the airport (we stayed at the sheraton near the airport) to see it on the very last day. Could you imagine going to Paris on not seeing the Eiffle Tower? It was a last minute adventure, and we were worried we wouldn't make the train in time, but we got back safely. Thank goodness the station was right below the hotel! 

That night, I had the best dinner out of the entire trip. We watched the sunset behind the Eiffle tower as we ate dinner; such a delicacy. My aunt ordered a roasted chicken dish that was very tasty. I had been longing for lamb chops (my favorite Parisenne dinner) the whole time and I finally got it! I had been disappointed earlier in the trip by ordering lamb and instead, it was BOILED. The haricot verts and frites were also delicious sides. Who could ask for anything more?