Friday, July 1, 2011

Marry Me?

Allstar Weekend concert!! Woo hoo :))                    
                                                                                                               From the concert

I went to this concert only knowing two songs. Although I liked the two songs, I wasn't a groupie. Just a teen looking for some summer fun. I never could've imagined how head over heels me and my friend would become. They were magical and incredibly charismatic! I've never met such a down to earth band. After hugging them at the meet and greet, I found the man I want to marry....or men.
Mr. Wonderful - they are so cute

I am wearing a shiny blue American Apparel tube dress. It's tight around my upper body, so I don't lose my shape in the dress, but flares like a skirt. I love this simple, but flirty dress. It sets my mood to party hearty, but relaxed and flirty.

I found this tree on the way back from the North shore.
I commend whoever put this beach trash together to make this beautiful
Hawaiian like Christmas tree. Can you say photo op?